I Dread It
One day I was talking to George Witt and he was relating a story that happened to him several years ago. He was at work one time, and it was along about Wednesday, and one of his co-workers made a strange comment to him. This guy was talking about that Saturday coming up and said he "was going to get drunk, and I dread it." George told him that he had the rest of the week to back out.
You would think one that dreaded some sinful activity could not even be "made" to get involved in that sin. He must have not dreaded every thing about getting drunk for surely one would not get drunk. There must have been some pleasure associated with this sin, for him to do it; Hebrews 11:25, "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;" Probably the man dreaded some of the aspects of drunkenness. It may have been that he got sick and threw up on himself or others. It may have been that it caused friction in his family relationship, and put a strain in his marriage and that’s what he dreaded. It could have been the financial waste that drunkenness causes that he dreaded. He may have dreaded the fact that his so-called friends always pressure him in getting drunk and he resists that. He may have dreaded the hangover the next day(s) after getting on a big drunk on Saturday night. He may have dreaded the guilt and shame that come from such sinful activity. He may have dreaded the addictive nature and the helpless feeling that come from being under the power of King Booze. He may have dreaded the foolish way he acts, or the staggering around he does, that caused others to laugh at him. He may have dreaded the perverse things that come out of his mouth. But the one thing he probably did not dread, was that he has sinned against God, and how this hurts God, and how this life style is leading him to hell. But when you add all the above up and consider these things in the fear of God, there is no way one will get drunk.