

Quit You Like Men

Paul in 1 Cor.16:13 said, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." The KJV says, "quit you like men" other versions say: "be strong like men," "act like men," "Be men!" David exhorted Solomon, "I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man." 1 Kg.2:2. This is a powerful exhortation for all to consider, and certainly would find application in several areas of our lives. In the workplace we need to "act like a man" by working and behaving like an adult. Lots of folks are like childish brats, spoiled and always want their way. Don't want to do their part, like a child that doesn't want to pick up their toys. Paul exhorted servants to "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men," Col.3:23. In families, husbands and wives and parents need to grow up and act like adults. How many times do we see families fighting like a bunch of bratty kids? Fussing, being selfish, failing to act like adults and take responsibility. Col.3:18-21 gives a good outline of how families are to be. In the church we need to make application to the concept, "quit you like men." Too often we are like children that drag their feet and fail to do homework, who would rather play than do their chores first. But when you take to heart the exhortation of Paul, to "be strong like men," or to "act like men," you get busy doing the will of God. Not kick the can down the road and hope that things will take care of themselves. So in every area of life the exhortation has practical and helpful applications to make us what we need to be, "be a man!"