

Joy to the world!

In the early 1700s a young man named Isaac Watts told his father that he didn’t want to go to church anymore. His father said why not? Isaac said that church is boring, and his father challenged him to do something to change that. So, Isaac wrote the song Joy to the World. His intent was to bring some jubilation, some enthusiasm, and emotion to the song service part of the worship service. Well, this song certainly did do that, it is very upbeat and reminds all of us of what happened when Christ was born and Bethlehem. Isaac’s father was part of the Church of England, unfortunately the church did not except the song because it was so happy, and that church thought it was downright sinful to be that happy and exuberant during worship services. Much like a lot of churches today, they felt you really needed to make sure you didn’t show any emotion. That you made sure to keep a straight and solemn face.

 This song along with a lot of others should remind all of us of the Joy of having Christ in our hearts not just during this season, but year around. The song has such an encouraging message, not only for those of that day, but for generations to follow. Certainly, when Christ was born as it had been prophesied was a very pivotal time because he came in the form of flesh. John 3:16 God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus lived a sinless life and set the example and set the example for all of humanity. Can you imagine what this world would look like in the absence of the light of Christ being present here?

 There was Joy when Christ came, there was Joy for what was accomplished on the cross in that Christ was the sacrificial lamb for all the sins of humanity. There was Joy when Christ was resurrected from the dead. There was Joy when he ascended back to heaven where he reigns with all power and authority. The greatest Joy is yet to come and that will be upon his second coming. That is when all the temptations of this life will be behind us, and we will receive a righteous judgement. If we’re ready that’s when we’ll be given a new body, one that never grows old. One that won’t know any pain and suffering, they’ll be no cancer, no covid, no pain, no suffering and no heartbreak. Oh, what Joy we shall share on that occasion, all will be glory in that land!

Robby Cable

(606) 305-8452

Providence Church of Christ