

If You Don't Cry

I was talking with Steve Lee recently and he was relating an interesting story. His youngest child, Katelin started kindergarten this year. At first she liked it, but then for about 2 weeks she would cry when she went to school. So Steve told her if should would go 5 days straight without crying, he would reward her with a trip to Dairy Queen for a ice cream. After about 3 or 4 days she said, "School is not too bad if you don’t cry, it’s even fun." I thought about what she said and how that can apply in the service of the Lord. Just think how folks "whine and cry" about coming to all the services. They pout and carry on as if the Lord had asked "BIG" thing of them. I think if would take the wisdom of a 5 year old and apply it in this situation, we would be far better off. Instead of whining , pouting, moping, brooding, sulking about coming to services; why don’t we just quit that sour, cranky, whiny attitude, you may find out that coming to church is enjoyable! Consider Ps.122:1, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD." The psalmist did not say "I was SAD when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD." Nor did he say, "I was MAD when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD." Nor did he say, "This is BAD, when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD." No, David was glad! The term comes from a word meaning "to brighten up" thus having this definition: "Blithe or gleeful:--(be) glad, joyful, (making) merry ([-hearted]), rejoice (-ing)." Is coming to worship a highlight of the week? Or is it a issue in your heart to be a drudge, a boring waste of time that we whine and cry in our attitude? One’s attitude makes all the difference in the world! It makes the difference between enjoying coming to services, (and attending every time the door is open) and despising coming to worship services. And don’t we try every chance we can, to do the things we like and enjoy doing? So what is your attitude about coming to services to worship and serve the Creator of heaven and earth? I am glad, what about you?
