Free From Kings & Popes
Tomorrow will mark the 232nd anniversary of the Declaration of independence, the fourth of July. I heard a comment one time what that day means. It is a day to celebrate being made "Free From Kings & Popes." Indeed what an apt description of why people left the old world, risking life and limb, leaving family and homeland, going to a undeveloped land for the most part. The main reason for most, was to be "Free From Kings & Popes." How many were persecuted and hindered from worshiping God as they read from the scriptures. People had such a longing for freedom to worship God and practiced what they believed to be right. How many Kings and Popes sought to force people to believe and act certain ways. I’m happy to live in a country, that allows me to practice New Testament Christianity, and not forced to be in the church of England, to be Catholic, or to be in some other denominational church. That is why most came to the new world, was to be "Free From Kings & Popes." People where longing for religious freedom, and they found it here. Later people may have sought to come for economic opportunities and reasons. The land of opportunity, but the main reason many came at first was to be "Free From Kings & Popes." What a blessing it is to live in a land of religious freedom, may we pray for the rulers, to continue to have such freedom, to be, "Free From Kings & Popes." 1 Tim.2:1-4. The desire of men is to have tyranny over others, either politically or religiously. But for me and my house, we desire that the Lord be the ruler over us, to let him have control. This fourth of July, let us remember what this day truly means in the history of our country, a day to celebrate being made "Free From Kings & Popes."