Pastor & Co-Pastor
I was talking with a preaching brother the other night and he related an interesting comment of something I had never heard about. He was telling about a lady whose son-in-law and daughter are members of a denominational church. She reported that her son-in-law is the Pastor at the church, and that her daughter is the Co-Pastor there. It seems that Pastor & Co-Pastor arrangement is for those that are husbands and wives. I guess in some of the real progressive churches that you could have the wife as the Pastor and the husband the Co-Pastor. I guess the arrangement is like the Pilot and Co-Pilot in airplanes, if the Pilot needs to leave to go to the restroom or such, the Co-Pilot just takes over in all the duties of the Pilot in flying the plane. So I suppose in the denominational concept of the Pastor, if he (or she) is gone, the Co-Pastor takes over the duties of preaching, visiting, counseling, directing Christmas plays, eating chicken, etc.. But the problem of course is with the denominational concept of THE PASTOR. They have only one and he is the preacher and general director of what goes on and is done at the church. Yet in the bible pastors are also called the bishops, the overseers, the elders; Acts 20:17-28. There were to be a plurality of pastors or elders in a local church, Acts 14:23, Phil.1:1. There are specific qualifications to be appointed as such, in 1 Tim.3:1-7, Tit.1:5-9. Since bishops or pastors must be the “husband of one wife” that leaves a woman out for being a pastor (or even a co-pastor, which is a man made concept on top of that.) Once you leave the biblical order of things, it is like the proverbial hole in the dike, is gets worse and worse, heading down the path of error. “Evil and false men will become worse and worse, using deceit and themselves overcome by deceit.” 2 Tim.3:13. Let us stand in the old paths of sound biblical order.