

Blessed is He That Readeth

"Blessed is he that readeth, and that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." Rev.1:3. The book of Revelation (not Revelations) is the most neglected book of all the New Testament. It is also one of the most abused books of the Bible by false teachers. There is a blessing pronounced upon all who read, hear, and keep it’s message. Our text points out that it’s message was to be fulfilled, for the time was at hand. The first verse said it was "things which must shortly come to pass." In ch.22:6&10 John say’s the same thing. So the message had it’s main fulfillment already. Let me state what I believe is the historical fulfillment. The early Christians were under severe persecution from the Jews and also from Rome with all it’s paganism. Revelation in it’s symbolic language (ch. 1: 1 signified) shows us that the enemies of the Jesus and his people will be defeated. With such assurance the people of God are told not to give up, but to be "faithful unto death" ch.2:10.

Revelation is the promise of God to avenge the innocent blood that had been shed by the Jews, and next, to Rome also, ch.3:13, 6:9-10, 16:6, 18:20. The theme might be stated with the verse in 17:14, "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is the Lord of lords, and the King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." Revelation is a book rich it O.T. figurative language, which will be almost essential to understand some of the symbolism. What a challenge to our minds, and our faith to read and study this great book, though we may not get all the detail s figured out, we can sure see the power and the greatness our Lord as he triumphs over all the forces of evil, and that we can and must overcome through him!